Manga Gran Familia 7 Publishing Gran Familia 7 Manga2952 ViewsA world infested with sub-humans who hide behind people and have special abilities. The legendary “family” that reigns at... ActionFantasy
Manga Ash Grim Reaper and Immortal Cat 7.51 Publishing Ash Grim Reaper and Immortal Cat 7.51 Manga2961 ViewsThe boy knew. The meaning of taking a life. Why did you become immortal? In an era when the concept of... ActionFantasy
Manga My Older Brother Who Was a Dropout is Actually the Strongest 7 Dropped My Older Brother Who Was a Dropout is Actually the Strongest 7 Manga7496 ViewsEugene, a hero, is forcibly reincarnated by the demon king Venomzard. In a world far in the future, he... ActionFantasy